Sunday, December 30, 2007

Interesting political ad currently running in Iowa--
Mitt Romney ADMITS that Both He & Huckabee
are Anti-Choice & Anti-Gay-Rights BIGOTS!

The ad has been on TV ad nauseum all over Iowa for about two weeks now, as crunch time for the crucial Iowa Caucuses has arrived. The purpose of Romney's hugely-negative (translate: "desperation!") ad is to politically disembowel Mike Huckabee -- the candidate that suddenly has jumped well in front of him in the polls.

Poor multi-multi-millionare Romney. Despite the countless dollars of his own that he's throwing at trying to buy the Presidency, he's in the process of being trounced by a guy who only has 1/20th as much to spend. Hilarious!

The only problem is that both of those Republican candidates (like every other candidate in that party, including even Rudy Giuliani, who has pledged to appoint only "conservatives" (i.e., bigots) to the U.S. Supreme Court, which would surely further poison it against personal liberties beyond the point of redemption, for decades to come) are loathsome bigots with respect to abortion and equal rights for gays. Both of them seek to see girls and women forced against their will to gestate all preganancies, whether they want to or not. And both of them hatefully (and ignorantly) seek to deny marriage of gays to their same-sex partners -- even though same-sex marriage is totally harmless!

Their hateful and ignorant stances on both of this highly-important social issues is revealed in the very first seconds of Romney's TV ad.

Works for me! Nothing like a good, constant reminder to almost all Iowans that neither of those bigoted losers is worth a damn! (I hope Romney is running the same ad in New Hampshire... where even more Republicans than in Iowa want nothing to do with such hateful idiocy!)

Thus, we viewers (and caucus-and primary-going voters!) have been treated to the spectacle of Romney's politically disembowling Huckabee in the TV spot, as he'd planned -- and of simultaneously politically disemboweling himself!

Finally, Huckabee was on "Meet the Press" this morning, and in the course of that interview he clearly showed, once again, his profound ignorance of the human reproductive process. By claiming that life "begins" at fertilization. Isn't it fascinating that he's never yet managed to learn that gametes (sperm and ova) are alive? As well as comprising Stage ONE of the human reproductive process?

Huckabee seeks to make the lives of a million American women per year utterly miserable (and have them relegated again to second-class citizens) -- and to destroy their pre-ill-timed-pregnancy full range of future opportunities -- all in the name of supposedly "defending" Stage 2, 3, and 4 RPEs. (Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses -- the last three Reproductive-Process Entities.) While mindlessly, hatefully, and hypocritically ignoring the quadrillion-plus gametes that are being electively aborted daily, worldwide, by men. Those Stage One RPEs, just like those of the other three stages, also are human, alive, and potential people. Kill one sperm, and the unique person that it otherwise could have become will never be born. (The "H" word obviously is lost on the bigots of Anti-Choice.)

Clearly, the ONLY human life that counts (and thus, logically, the only human life that the Bible ever defends, as people) are... people. Who have been BORN.

Both Romney and Huckabee have a LOT to learn about good sense, fairness, compassion, and demonstrating the Christianity that they both claim to profess. By their fruits are Christians known, according to the Bible. Shamefully, the fruits of both of these candidates, and their other Republican counterparts, are spoiled and rancid!

Both Romney and Huckabee are utterly without excuse, and their bigotry should be a deal-breaker for every American at the ballot box. The last thing America needs is yet another hateful and mindless bigot in the White House! It's current resident (GW Bush) has already done grievous, and possibly even irreparable, damage to the nation.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to worry about Rumney, or Hickabee. Hillary will trounce them both. I am Christian, and straight, and against special rights for gays, but feel they should have equal rights. I belive that homosexuality is sin, but do not feel it is my job to prevent, or punish, sin. If God wants Gays punished, He can do that on His own.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.