Friday, October 5, 2007

Here's HOW the RRR cultists unwittingly ENCOURAGE their opponents. (This may come as a very pleasant surprise!)

Since establishing this blog and inviting people to visit and read its premiere article on the significant and powerful impact that 1 Cor. 5:12-13 can have upon the loathsome, anti-personal-liberties agendas of the "Religious" Radical Right, some people have made a very interesting sort of response.They are that relative handful of people who claim to be Christians, and claim that I am NOT one, and that dire things will happen to me when I die. Here's what's interesting about that. Anyone who has been a human rights advocate and activist for as long as I have probably wasn't too far from me in the early 1960s, when I was a worker in Mississippi in Civil Rights Movement I, and experienced the same sort of things that I did. Whenever we cornered a segregationist and proved his agenda to be wrong with solid FACTS -- he invariably would respond by calling US bigots, and in the process be very upset.

If further challenged to back his stance with actual FACTS, he’d sulk and walk away. Because no such thing as a fact that could support their hateful treatment of blacks even existed. And as the time drew closer to the day when segregation would become extinct, they got more and more strident, calling us (the freedom-fighters) un-Christian, hateful, and bigoted. This actually got to be very entertaining, because the more they screeched and yowled that we were the bigots, and the more upset with us they got, the more we realized that we were WINNING the war against that form of bigotry.

Now I’m seeing those same sort of strident (and lame) attempts to reverse the bigotry... this time being attempted by the RRR Cultists. But what those poor, ignorant pseudo-Christian lemmings don’t seem to realize is that there are still a LOT of us former Civil Rights workers out and about, and we still are fighting bigotry. And we’ve gotten pretty good at it, with all those decades of experience. We’ve seen that response from bigots before, and we know what it means.

FACTS beat ignorance every single time, in the end! And we are just as dedicated to winning the day for women and gays today, as we were for the blacks, 45-50 years ago. So I think that we should be thanking those cultists for tipping their hand, and letting us know just how desperate they truly are, as they watch their hate-agendas swirling inexorably and irreversably closer to the Drain of Extinction. So I have to wonder just how many of them actually realize that by trying to verbally turn the tables, they actually are giving the liberty-defending egalitarians in Civil Rights Movement II great encouragement!

So whenever an RRR cultist gets upset with you, and tries to accuse you of being guilty of his hateful shortcomings -- you might want to try really hard to stifle that hearty laugh you feel welling up inside you. Or not.

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